A Window into My World
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A Window into My World
I've been creating since before I can remember. In fact, I think we all have

A Window Into My World

I've been creating since before I can remember. In fact, I think we all have.

I often hear the phrase "Oh I'm not creative" and my first reaction is - That's simply not true! Whether you've been given a low grade in art at school, or been criticised on something you've produced and you're initially proud of, we can all become a little gun shy when it comes to putting ourselves out there creatively. And in reality its easier to claim that we "aren't creative" just so we don't have to put ourselves out there again.

I went through my own challenge of self doubt - a time when I questioned if the creative/artistic gene had just passed me by.  But through a happy coincidence, I embarked on a journey to fill my life with joy when I was struggling to find any.  I began with colour and then I immersed myself in painting - and at the core of my motivation was simply seeking joy.

Little did I know that by taking my focus away from the outcome, I was strengthening my creative muscle without realising, and one day I turned around to discover a large body of creative and colourful artwork that had "happened" along the way. Artwork that showed not only others but myself - just who I am and how I feel.

The mental clarity, the joy and the deep peace I feel when creating has been one of the best gifts I have ever given myself.  I'd love to share my journey with you and to support each and everyone to experience the deep-felt joy and peace of having your own creative Practice.